
ZRO is a framework or a set of api for developing distributed systems. This set of api has nothing to do with rmi,rpc,corba or any exising distribution technologies. It's written entirely in java and for use in systems developed using java. The most incredible benifit of this api is its zero server-side programming feature. It means you almost need not care about the serverside.

The api is for java applications and can only work with (sun) jdk1.5/j2se5. It is not designed for isomerous systems. That means you can only develop using java in both client and server side. But the serverside programming is almost as simple as nothing. For example ,you want to open a file in the server to write something. It is just as simple as the file located in your own machine.

The most important concept is "Remote Object". A Remote Object stands for a Object in another JVM that may be located at a different machine. You may invoke any method and access any field the real object have. The invoke and access are performed using reflection(java.lang.reflect) and the parameters are transferred through the network. So you can think the api as remote reflection. For method whose return type is not simple(primitive type),a remote object is return. It's the same for field. You can create an array in the server and reference it using a remote object.

We have a lot more to say about how that work. You can learn more about ZRO from the samples and from the document.

The ZRO api has these primary benefits:

Our significant goal is to connect the world into one. We still have a lot to do to increase the reliably and efficiency. And your participance is welcome.


ZRO 1.0 has been released finally!
This is the first release of ZRO. Check it out here.

Posted by zms, 30 Jul 2005

Web site revamped !
Thanks to zms and his ability, ZRO has a web site now.

Posted by zms, 30 Jul 2005